Thursday, 29 January 2009
Joe Ryskebosch- Nature Path
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Brione House / Wespi de Meuron
~25 things people may not know about me~
2. I used to be in a special maths class- but it was not special as in needing help- i was taken out of Primary school to attend an elite maths school- short lived... THANK GOD!
3. 3 Is how many times I kiss my family on the cheek when we say hello and good bye.. I will never kiss a person only twice, it's three times for good luck. Thank you Nan!
4. I can do the Moonwalk.
5. I am scared of most things- not as bad as when I was a kiddy, I just push through it now- but I still fear a lot. I used to compulsively check three times under my bed, in all of my cupboards, behind the door, in between the crack of my bed and the wall... all possible places 3 times every night. Then I would barricade myself with my five bestest teddys- i strategically placed them around my heart and my ovaries... I didn't move much when sleeping as a kid.
6. I believe in re-incarnation. And I would love to have some regression therapy...
7. I have lived in 14 houses.
8. I used to have bugsy teeth- I could fit TWO $2 coins between my two front teeth and I had a 10mm overbite...!
9. I play the Viola. I used to play the violin- I started when I was 4...
10. I have a Nintendo DS and I LOVE playing it!
11. I still have dreams of being an actress even though every week on Joke day at work- when I have to 'perform' my joke of the week- my heart stops and I have to read from the bit of paper.. It feels like everyone can actually see the burning sensation in my chest- i hope they can't...
12. My doggy named Frog is a bundle of joy that blesses my life every single day.
13. I listen to Techno when I do my banking.
14. I think children are the most perfect of all! They are an inspiration to who we should remember to be, and who we are- pure.
15. My wardrobe is worth more then... and it's not at all the price that is important to me... i just love beautiful things- and have a friend that is very good at justifying anything i like and its absurd price tag... bargains excite me just as much though.
16. My colleagues at work are like family to me. I miss them dearly whenever we have breaks... i love them all very much.
17. My mum is a Dance Movement Therapist/Reike Master/Hippie and my Father is a Scientist... opposites attract? They are divorced...
18. I want to eat my dog,
19. I have a 7-ft 6 Malibu and would love to be able to really surf on it... and do a headstand, eventually.
20. I think that meditation should be compulsory in hospitals for all recovering patients. And that all the walls should be repainted something brighter!!
21. I have made 6 short films of my own... and many many more are on their way. I want to moooooove people. In ALL directions ; )
22. I think everything happens for a reason.
23. I do breathing exercises and write 21-pieces of gratitude every single morning to start my day.
24. My sister is my soul mate.
25. I am overly indulgent in every area of my life. And I think that's a good thing.
I reflect that I have not mentioned my love Raphael- kindest man ever made. Then I realised why- this is all the things that people might not know about me... xxx